Monday, January 9, 2012

The Advantages of Business Financing Services

If you own a small or a medium sized business, you are perhaps not new the fact that your payments often get delayed due to your customers. The delay can range from a period of 30 to 60 days and cause a lot of trouble in the day to day running of your business as well as pose a huge impediment on the path of its growth. You will have a large sum of money accumulated in the form of invoices but very little to show in your bank account. The lack of cash flow will stop you from fulfilling the orders that you get from your new clients. This is where the business financing services come in.

The business financing services, also known as accounts receivable factoring helps your small business to capitalize on the strength of the pending invoices. An invoice is nothing but a promise from your customer that you will be paid at a later point in time. These business financing services purchase the invoices from you and give you the ready cash in return. You can use the money to invest in the growth of your business and carry on the day to day functions while the business financing companies can play the waiting game.

Not all companies can avail of these services though. To qualify for factoring, your company must do business with commercial clients. Needless to say, business financing services have a profit motive and will definitely make sure that they are not taking a major risk. Therefore they will check to verify if you are a profit making concern or not. In case you belong to the former category, your profit margin should not be less than 20%.

The payment that you will receive from the invoice factoring company will be divided into two installments. The first one would consist of a sum that would cover about 60% to 90% of the gross value of the invoice. The second installment will be paid after the customer makes the payment and the factoring charges will be deducted from that amount.

If you are looking for reliable business financing services, Texas is where you will be able to find some of the best ones. Visit Mazon associates, Inc. for accounts receivable funding to enable the growth of your business. Apart from their services they also offer free consultation regarding the matter.

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